Christ-Centered ★ Reformed ★ Presbyterian
Connect and Serve: Serving in Morning Star Church |
We have many opportunities for service within our congregation. People serve by operating video, cleaning bathrooms, singing on the worship team, working in the nursery, organizing events, following up on visitors, caring for the church grounds, or greeting people on Sunday morning. Every church has significant work to be done to help its members, educate its children, and ensure excellent worship and fellowship. In order to help people understand where they "fit," we encourage discovering and understanding the spiritual gifts that God gives you. We have spiritual gift discovery tools that aid in helping you grow in your spiritual gifts. We offer advice in areas where you might be most useful and satisfied. We also encourage "trying" ministries and we don't lock you in to ministries where you do not wish to serve or are not suited for. If you would like to learn more about this, please call, text, or e-mail us! E-mail us at: Call us at: (772) 562-6009 Text us at: (772) 348-2935, or text "welcome" to: 77411 |